P05 - Dental conditions relative to risk factors of metabolic syndrome analysing exhaled breath - preliminary study

Dental conditions relative to risk factors of metabolic syndrome analysing exhaled breath - preliminary study


Justyna Grochala1, Dr. Dominik Grochala2,3, Prof. MaƂgorzata Pihut1, Mrs. Anna Paleczek3, Prof. Artur Rydosz3, Assoc. Prof. Jolanta E. Loster4


1 Jagiellonian University Medical College, Institute of Dentistry, Department of Dental Prosthetics and Orthodontics, 4 Montelupich Str., 31-155 Krakow, Poland,

2 Advanced Diagnostic Equipment sp. z o. o., 79 Tetmajera Str., 31-352 Krakow, Poland,

3 AGH University of Krakow, Biomarkers Analysis Laboratory, 30 Mickiewicza Str., 30-059 Krakow, Poland;
4 Prof. Loster’s Orthodontics, 4 Nowodworskiego Str., 30-433 Krakow, Poland



The aim was to investigate selected risk factors of metabolic syndrome and their impact on the dental conditions. Another goal was to determine whether exhaled air biomarkers can support in the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome risk factors.


Materials and Methods

The patients underwent standard subjective, physical examinations and completed dental and diabetes questionnaires (OHIP-14- Oral Health Impact Profile and FINDRISC- Finnish Diabetes Risk Score). The second part of the examination was one-time testing level of blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid by utilisation strip method. Then, exhaled breath samples were collected in Tedlar bags and analysed for biomarkers, using a developed electronic e-nose system. The script in Python was used for the statistics.



A total of 108 patients were examined(69 women and 39 men) in the age 45 years to 75 years. The mean age was 67.24 years. Characteristics of the study group of patients: mean BMI= 27.99; mean glucose levels: 109.96 mg/dL, mean triglycerides 203.83 mg/dL; mean uric acid concentration: 5.62 mg/dL; mean cholesterol concentration 170.43 mg/dL. According to the FINDRISK survey, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is 12 patients at low, 34 at slightly elevated risk, 22 at medium, 29 at high and 11 at very high risk. According to the OHIP-14 questionnaire, patients indicated increased embarrassment related to their oral condition (question 5). There is also a marked increase in volatile organic compounds with increased BMI values and a decrease in H2S concentrations with age.



From the data obtained, there is an increased risk of metabolic syndrome in the study group of patients. The analysis of biomarkers in exhaled air can be a completely non-invasive method to support the diagnosis of risk factors for metabolic syndrome. A preliminary evaluation of the data showed its high relevance and the need for a more complex analysis.