P06 - Precision in Practice: Navigating the Digital Dentistry Workflow at the Initial Appointment.

Precision in Practice: Navigating the Digital Dentistry Workflow at the Initial Appointment.


Mrs. Aisha Ashukri, Prof. Nicholas Claydon


School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, UK



This paper demonstrates how digital workflow is employed for the initial evaluation of patients in a UK-based dental practice.


Case Description

Nowadays, obtaining digital scans rather than traditional impressions is nearly always the preferred method. In a UK-based clinic, they started the utilization of dental digital workflow for the initial evaluation of patients. Obtaining baseline scans has revolutionised the traditional assessment methods, offering enhanced precision, efficiency, and patient experience.

During the initial appointment, the recording of medical history, plaque, and bleeding indices is complemented by the capture of digital scans for all patients. This has become their standard of care for all patients.

Having baseline scans has proven to have many advantages over the years, including patient education; the scans can show patients what their plaque index score appears to be on the digital scan, and this can significantly increase their motivation to receive treatment. Second, documentation: keeping baseline scans on file may allow you to utilise them for research at a later time. Lastly, experienced nurses, therapists, or hygienists can simply take these scans prior to the dentist starting his appointment, saving a significant amount of time.



Digital scans can be routinely taken in addition to dental health indices and medical history to support patient education and future research. Delegating scan recordings to experienced staff optimises time efficiency.