P10 - Prosthetic and surgical complementary treatment after orthognatioc surgery for class iii skeletal malocclusion.

Prosthetic and surgical complementary treatment after orthognatioc surgery for class iii skeletal malocclusion.

Dr. Krzysztof Gronkiewicz1, Dr. Paweł Szczurowski2

1 Department of Prosthodontics and Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland,
2 Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College

Introduction: Combined orthognathic surgery and prosthetic treatment represent a comprehensive approach to addressing Class III skeletal malocclusion, a condition characterized by the lower jaw protruding beyond the upper jaw. This integrated treatment strategy aims to harmonize facial aesthetics, restore proper occlusion, and improve overall function and oral health.

Case Report: Patient presenting with a Class III malocclusion, resulting in facial asymmetry, dental misalignment, and functional issues such as difficulty chewing and speaking. Following a thorough evaluation, including clinical examination, radiographic assessment, and interdisciplinary consultation, a treatment plan was formulated. This plan involved a combination of orthodontic preparation, orthognathic surgery to reposition the jaws, and prosthetic rehabilitation to restore damaged teeth. After orthodontic and orthognathic procedure patient came to the office to complete the treatment. Surgical crown lengthening was performed and after stabilizing effect of the new gumeline position prosthetic treatment utilizing minimal adhesive dentistry was utilized. Prosthetic rehabilitation was tailored to the individual needs and goals of the patient, with a focus on achieving optimal occlusion, aesthetics, and long-term stability.

Discussion: The combined approach of orthognathic surgery and prosthetic treatment offers several advantages in the management of Class III skeletal malocclusion. By addressing both skeletal and dental components of the malocclusion, this comprehensive treatment strategy ensures a harmonious relationship between the facial skeleton, dentition, and surrounding soft tissues.

In conclusion, combined orthognathic surgery and prosthetic treatment represent a comprehensive and effective approach to addressing Class III skeletal malocclusion. By addressing both skeletal and dental components of the malocclusion, this integrated treatment strategy achieves facial harmony, occlusal stability, and improved oral function and aesthetics, ultimately enhancing the patient's quality of life.