P13 - A Novel Impression Method Technique for Mobile Teeth: A Clinical Case

A Novel Impression Method Technique for Mobile Teeth: A Clinical Case


Asst. Prof. Habibe Öztürk Ulusoy, Asst. Prof. Hasan Murat Aydoğdu


Çanakkale Onsekizmart University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics



Prosthetic replacement is frequently required as a component of corrective therapy to regain both the functionality and aesthetics of periodontally compromised dentition. Impression taking of patients with a periodontally compromised dentition is often challenging while fabricating prosthodontic restorations and orthodontic devices.


Case Description

This article describes a precise and secure method for creating an impression on a patient with mobile and/or misaligned teeth. The approach described involves building a reservoir on mobile teeth to decrease during impression-making. The procedure included using polyvinyl siloxane impression material with a stock tray and a two-stage putty-wash method. Initially, the custom reservoirs of mobile teeth are created on casts obtained from a preliminary impression. After that, these reservoirs were applied to the mobile teeth of the patient before a definitive impression was made. In the first stage of the wash method, the reservoir was covered with putty impression material. In the second stage, the impression was made using low-viscosity impression material after removing reservoirs in putty impression.



When mobile teeth serve as abutment teeth for removable partial dentures or fixed prostheses, it is vital to minimize tooth displacement during the impression procedure. For a minimum displacement, local impression pressure against mobile teeth could be reduced by using impression materials with low-viscosity and slow hardening, trays with a thicker spacer for the impression materials and were seated at a moderate speed. The main advantage of this technique is that it provides adequate space for low-viscosity impression material for mobile teeth and replaces mobile teeth during slow hardening of impression.