P15 - Prosthetic treatment of patient with mandible resection.

Prosthetic treatment of patient with mandible resection.

Dr. Krzysztof Gronkiewicz1, Dr. Paweł Szczurowski2

1 Department of Prosthodontics and Orthodontics, Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland,
2 Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Jagiellonian University Medical College


Mandible resection, often necessitated by conditions such as oral cancer or severe trauma, poses significant challenges to patients' oral function, aesthetics, and overall quality of life. Prosthetic rehabilitation plays a pivotal role in restoring these aspects, aiming to provide patients with functional restoration and aesthetic enhancement. This report outlines the prosthetic treatment of a patient who underwent mandible resection, detailing the multidisciplinary approach employed to address their specific needs and challenges.

Case Report:

The patient, with a history of tumor presented with mandible resection. Following comprehensive evaluation and collaboration with the surgical team, a prosthetic treatment plan was formulated. Surgical reconstruction, utilizing reconstructive techniques was performed to restore jawbone structure and support. Subsequently, customized prosthetic solutions were designed and implemented to address the patient's functional deficits and aesthetic concerns.

The prosthetic treatment included implant supported restoration, tailored to the patient's unique anatomy and functional requirements was performed. Special considerations were given to stability, function, and aesthetics, with a focus on achieving optimal outcomes. Speech rehabilitation techniques, in conjunction with prosthetic interventions, were employed to address any speech difficulties resulting from the mandible resection. The patient was provided with thorough education and support throughout the treatment process, including instructions on oral hygiene, dietary recommendations, and ongoing care.


The prosthetic treatment of patients with mandible resection requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration between oral surgeons, prosthodontists, maxillofacial prosthetists, and other healthcare professionals. Customized prosthetic solutions, ranging from removable dentures to implant-supported prostheses, play a crucial role in restoring oral function and aesthetics. Special attention must be given to patient education, psychological support, and long-term management to ensure successful outcomes.

Ultimately, prosthetic treatment aims to improve patients' quality of life by restoring oral function, facial aesthetics, and self-confidence in the face of significant anatomical and physiological changes