P24 - The functional analysis of complete dentures manufactured using a digital protocol - in vivo study

The functional analysis of complete dentures manufactured using a digital protocol - in vivo study


Dr n. med. Anna Stocka1, Dr. Wojciech Kondrat1, Dr. Paula Łasica1, Edyta Cywoniuk2, Prof. Teresa Sierpińska1


1 Department of Prosthetics, Medical University of Białystok, POLAND,
2 ZirkonZahn Poland



A clinical functional evaluation of novel complete dentures manufactured using a digital protocol.


Materials and Methods

10 healthy patients, who had been using analogue manufactured complete dentures, were given new dentures obtained in a digital protocol. T-Scan was made (OT) to assess occlusion conditions, electromyography (EMG) was applied in order to make an analysis of the muscle activities in the central occlusion. The study was made in old dentures, next, in the new dentures on the day of the denture’s replacement, after 1, 3 or 6 months since then, respectively.



Mean Occlusion Time (OT) was 0.25 s and 0.29 s, while mean L/R distribution of forces was 53.7 / 46.3 and 52.4 / 47.6 in the old and new dentures immediately after replacement, respectively. The OT were 0.18 s and 51.8 / 48; 0.17 s and 51.5 /48; 0.18 s and 51.7 / 48.3 after 1, 3 and 6 months after denture’s replacement, respectively. EMG study in the old dentures revealed mean values of TAP, TAL, MMP and MML as 24.1 µV, 30.5 µV, 35.2 µV and 22.9 µV, respectively; no symmetry or synergy was found within the scope of activity. In new dentures immediately after replacement mean values were as follows: TAP 28.5 µV, TAL 16.8 µV, MMP 36.6 µV, MML 26.1 µV. In turn, after 1 month of using they were: TAP 28.8 µV, TAL 22.5 µV, MMP 33.5 µV, MML 32.2 µV, after 3 months TAP 30.0 µV, TAL 23.7 µV, MMP 33.2 µV, MML 30.0 µV, and after 6 months TAP 29.0 µV, TAL 24.6 µV, MMP 34.2 µV and MML 31.0 µV.



The novel dentures have improved muscular activity of the stomatognathic system and restored the muscles’ function.