P26 - A manufacture protocol for complete dentures using a milling cutting method and Face Hunter

A manufacture protocol for complete dentures using a milling cutting method and Face Hunter


Dr n. med. Wojciech Kondrat1, Dr. Anna Stocka1, Dr. Paula Łasica1, Edyta Cywoniuk2, Prof. Teresa Sierpińska1


1 Department of Prosthetics, Medical University of Bialystok, POLAND,
2 ZirkonZahn Poland



Description of the manufacture procedure for complete dentures using a milling cutting method with an individual correction of the prosthetic plane.


Case Description

Steps of the protocol:

1. Subjective and objective study, the evaluation of dentures used.

2. The sampling of functional impressions with the use of silicone masses of decreasing tension on dentures used by a patient after the functional formation of their edges with Function type masses.

3. The recording of occlusion on the pre-prepared prosthetic impressions using a silicone recorder.

4. Scanning of dentures and their occlusive relations by means of a laboratory scanner in order to obtain virtual working models.

5. Taking a 3D face photograph of the dentures used by means of the Face Hunter device.

Face Hunter offers an individualized adjustment of the prosthetic plane and a unique incorporation of the restoration in a given subject.

6. Designing new restorations in a computer programme.

7. A milling cutting of Try-in test dentures in order to make a control in the oral cavity.

8. Control of the test dentures at the dentist’s office.

9. The performance of new prosthetic restorations using a milling cutting method in the PMMA target material.



The Face Hunter device offers an individualized incorporation of dentures in patients’ faces, which considerably improves an aesthetic aspect of the complete dentures.