P39 - A multidisciplinary approach in the management of congenitally missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors.

A multidisciplinary approach in the management of congenitally missing Maxillary Lateral Incisors.


Aisha Ashukri, Shivani Basnet, Prof. Nicholas Claydon


School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, UK



This case involves a 23-year-old female patient with congenitally missing upper right and left lateral incisors, who has been wearing an upper partial denture for several years. The patient desires a fixed replacement for her missing teeth and is exploring treatment options. She has a history of orthodontic treatment and has maintained spaces for possible implants or fixed prostheses in the missing lateral incisor regions.


Case Description

The case presents an opportunity to explore different treatment options for hypodontia, considering the patient's needs and desires. As evidenced by much literature, resin-retained bridges can provide a predictable and minimally invasive treatment modality for managing congenitally missing teeth Pjetursson et al 2008, King et al 2015. The patient also presented with Localised plaque-induced gingivitis, following personalised oral hygiene advice and PMPR (BSP S3 guidelines), optimum tissue health was restored. The first appointment was impression taking and the second/last was cementing the double cantilever bridge. The patient was satisfied and had no complaints when they were seen again for follow-ups after one week, a year, and two years.



Preserving the space with orthodontic treatment and managing gingivitis were essential phases before opting for prosthodontic modalities. Consider resin-retained bridges as they have a high survival rate and a high patient satisfaction rate.