P52 - Implementation of Occlusal Analysis and Adjustment During Orthodontic Treatment of Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Implementation of Occlusal Analysis and Adjustment During Orthodontic Treatment of Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis


Assoc. Prof. Renata Symonenko, Asst. Prof. Leonid Etnis, Prof. Zinaida Zhehulovych, Assoc. Prof. Vitalii Parii, Dr. Stanislav Vefelev, Prof. Olena Astapenko


Bogomolets National Medical University



to analyze the efficiency of conducting proper occlusal analysis and adjustment during orthodontic treatment of the patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in order to minimize possible risks and achieve optimal results.


Materials and Methods

11 young patients with diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (according to ILAR criteria) and malocclusion aged from 18 to 34 years (mean age 22.64±4.82) who included 6 females and 5 males were examined and underwent orthodontic treatment at Dental Medical Center of Bogomolets National Medical University. All patients underwent clinical and CBCT X-ray examination. Digital occlusal analysis was performed with Medit Occlusion Analyzer v.1.02 software using intraoral scans of the jaws and bite records obtained with Medit i500 intraoral scanner. The orthodontic treatment was applied in case of absence or after elimination of temporomandibular disorders manifestations and included expansion of dental arches, normalization of the teeth positions with bracket system and straight arches using small forces, bite blocks and restoration of dental hard tissues when needed. Occlusal analysis and adjustments were carried out every 4 weeks during active teeth movement stage and every 2 weeks at the final stage of rehabilitation.



provided orthodontic treatment in combination with application of bite blocks and direct dental hard tissues restorations allowed to expand the dental arches, align the midline and normalize the occlusal contacts of the teeth in static and dynamic occlusion in all patients. There were no signs of premature contacts, occlusal overload, deterioration of periodontal lesion or temporomandibular disorder manifestation recurrence. CBCT x-ray showed no signs of decrease in bone density or resorption.



implementation of proper digital occlusal analysis and adjustment during orthodontic treatment of the patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis within the framework of a personalized approach to their rehabilitation ensures the minimization of risks and is a guarantee of achieving optimal results.