P56 - Dependence of functional occlusion on oral health

Dependence of functional occlusion on oral health


Asst. Prof. JindÅ™ich Charvát1,2, Asst. Prof. JindÅ™ich Charvát1,2, Asst. Prof. Lenka Vavrickova3, Assoc. Prof. Hana Hubalkova1, Assoc. Prof. Marie Bartonova4


1 Institute of Dental Medicine, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, and General Teaching Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic,

2 Private Dental Office, Statenice, Czech Republic,

3 Department of Dentistry, Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, and University Hospital Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic,

4 Private Dental Office DMD, Prague, Czech Republic



Functional occlusion of the upper and lower dental arch is a basic prerequisite for effective initial processing of food. The proper alignment of teeth during biting and chewing, can be influenced by oral health. From the point of view of holistic medicine, general and oral health cannot be separated from each other. Trouble-free mastication is important for ensuring quality nutrition of the body and at the same time, the regular function of the masticatory muscles, which requires sufficient blood supply, supports increased oxygen saturation of the brain. Functional occlusion primarily includes healthy teeth or their replacement.


Case Description

Case descriptions demonstrate complicated oral conditions based on specific diagnoses:

1. Female, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The patient suffered from early loss of teeth, periodontal disease and extreme atrophy of alveolar ridges. Prosthetic treatment included upper complete denture and lower implant-born overdenture.

2. Male, Hajdu-Cheney syndrome. Hypoplastic maxilla and sinuses, irregular positions of teeth, hypodontia, premature loss of teeth, infraocclusion of lateral teeth, embedded wisdom teeth, extreme atrophy of the alveolar bone, severe osteoporosis with compression fractures of the vertebrae, long-term bisphosphonate medication. Due to ctg. of dental implants atypical conventional upper and lower complete dentures were manufactured.

3. Male, multiple ageneses (missing 19 permanent teeth), invalid interjaw relations, traumatic occlusion. Orthodontic pretreatment with conventional prosthetic rehabilitation was realized by the block of crowns in the upper jaw with the RPD stabilized by attachments. Lower fixed bridge was supported by deciduous teeth and functional occlusion was ensured by increasing the bite. Implants are considered for the future.



Missing teeth or imbalanced dental conditions together with specific diagnoses can contribute to improper functional occlusion. Maintaining good oral health practices, such as excellent oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, is crucial to minimize negative potential impacts on functional occlusion.