Autransplantation of premolars with complete root formation in the anterior region. A retrospective cohortstudy.

Autransplantation of premolars with complete root formation in the anterior region. A retrospective cohortstudy.


Florance Allas


Department of Dentistry, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands



Aim of this retrospective cohortstudy was to assess the survival rate and success rate of autotransplantation of premolars with complete root formation to the anterior region. The influence of the prognostic factors patient age and practitioner competence on the survival rate and succes rate were determined.


Materials and Methods

Autotransplantation, performed in three dental practices restricted to periodontology in The Netherlands, were documented in a merged database. Cases were selected based on inclusion criteria (permanent teeth, donor tooth premolar, complete root formation (Morrees’ classification 5), transplantation to anterior, endodontic treated, orthodontic treated after transplantation, follow-up > 1 year) and exclusion criterium (incomplete root formation (Morrees’ classification p < 0,05).



The study population consisted of 298 autotransplants. The 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-year survival rate was 100%. The 1-, 2-, 3- en 5-year succes was respectively 95,6%, 94,6%, 93,6% and 91,3%. During a mean follow-up period of 2,5 years (SD ± 1,70; range 1,00 – 11,83 years) 2 cases of tooth loss and 26 cases of complications with transplanted teeth were observed.



Autotransplantation is a procedure with high survival rate and success rate and therefore a suitable treatment option for replacing missing teeth. Prognostic factors patient age and practitioner competence could not be identified as factors with statistically significant prognostic influence.