Knowledge levels of dentistry students about artificial intelligence applications in prosthodontic treatment; A survey study

Knowledge levels of dentistry students about artificial intelligence applications in prosthodontic treatment; A survey study


Ahmet Doğan Işık, Assoc. Prof. Kaan Yerliyurt


Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University Faculty of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics



The purpose of the survey is to measure the knowledge level of dentistry students regarding artificial intelligence technologies and their awareness of artificial intelligence applications in the field of prosthetic dental treatment.


Materials and Methods

This study was conducted with 452 dentistry students. Students filled out a survey via Google Forms questioning attitudes towards the use of artificial intelligence in dentistry and prosthetic treatment. The survey included a 12-item Likert scale assessing prosthetic treatment applications of artificial intelligence and students' knowledge and opinions regarding these technologies. Chi-Square test was applied to analyze the data.



The study revealed varying opinions based on gender regarding the effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in prosthodontic dental treatment. Among male participants, 87.1% believed that AI-based diagnosis and treatment planning could be effective, while 89.1% of females shared this view. Additionally, 83.1% of males and 89.1% of females believed that AI applications could enhance educational knowledge. Furthermore, 90.5% of males and 92.4% of females anticipated widespread future use of AI in prosthodontic treatment. Notably, 75.3% of males and 92.4% of females perceived AI-assisted applications as potentially improving patient satisfaction. The study also found that 86% of males and 87.6% of females believed that AI-driven design of laminate veneers could enhance workflow efficiency. Similarly, 82% of males and 82.5% of females expressed confidence in AI-designed obturators to improve success rates. Lastly, 85.4% of males and 85.7% of females considered AI-supported color selection to enhance aesthetic outcomes. These differences were statistically significant. While students' knowledge of the use of artificial intelligence was generally sufficient, no significant difference was detected between grade levels.



In dentistry students; There is a general belief that artificial intelligence applications can be effective and beneficial in the field of prosthetic dental treatment. However, there are uncertainties regarding ethical and legal issues. Further research is needed in artificial intelligence applications, including patient groups and individuals of different age groups.