The Effect of Disinfection on Dimensional Stability in Condensation Silicones

The Effect of Disinfection on Dimensional Stability in Condensation Silicones


Ata Bugra Kesan1, Erkin Hepişler2, Melih Buğra Karaman2, Kiarash Ramazanzadegan2, Asst. Prof. Mert Ocak3, Asst. Prof. Bora Akat4


1 Ankara University, Graduate School of Health Sciences, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Turkey,

2 Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey,

3 Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Basic Medical Sciences, Ankara, Turkey,

4 Ankara University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics, Ankara, Turkey



Disinfectants can affect the dimensional stability of impressions, which may decrease the precision of restoration and, therefore, treatment quality. This study aims to compare the impact of disinfectants on the dimensional stability of impression materials using microcomputed-tomography.


Materials and Methods

This study was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey(TUBITAK)(Grant Number:1919B012338021). A full arch chrome-nickel master model was obtained by scanning a modified typodont mandible. Full arch impressions were taken using a two-step two-phase technique with condensation silicones. A total of 54 samples were divided into nine groups(n=6) according to disinfectant material type, disinfectant use, impression material brand. As impression materials Zetaplus(Zhermack, Zhermack SpA, Italy), Addplus(Addcosil, efesdental, Turkey), and oxasil Putty(Oxasil, Kulzer GmbH, Germany), followed by oranwash-L, acwash, oxasil Light-FlowOxasil light bodies were used. After removal of the impression from the master model, impressions were immersed in disinfectants(%2 Glutaraldehyde, %5.25 NaOCl) for ten minutes. After 120 minutes from initial polymerization, samples were digitalized with microcomputed tomography(SKYCAN 1725, Bruker). Distance between the cusp tips of canines was measured. Kruskall-Wallis H and One-way ANOVA tests were used to compare data between groups. (p = 0.05).



Groups were compared to observe the effect of disinfectants on dimensional stability. A maximum of 27,19 mm and a minimum 25,53mm distance were measured, with a total mean of 26,2915±0,31731mm. No statistically significant difference was found within the groups (p>0.05).. There was a significant difference between the group oxasil NaOCl group and Addcosil gluteraldehyde group(p<0.05).



In this study, the effect of disinfectants on dimensional stability was evaluated. Even if this study was in-vitro, master model from scan of typodont was used for the purpose of results being similar to clinical studies. Disinfectants not significantly affecting dimensional stability will not lead to a decrease in treatment quality. Further studies are needed with various disinfectants.